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From March 1 to May 31, 2022, the Library of Trakia University, through the Bulgarian Information Consortium, organizes temporary access to journals and books of the Bentham Science publishing house. The access address is:

Bentham Science is a scientific publisher of peer-reviewed print and online journals. The Bentham Science catalog consists of over 130 journals and includes titles that are indexed in databases such as: Science Citation Index®, Journal Citation Reports, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, PubMed, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE, and more. Some of the titles with a high impact factor are: Current Neuropharmacology (Impact Factor: 7.36), Current Medicinal Chemistry (Impact Factor: 4.53) and Current Gene Therapy (Impact Factor: 4.39).

Bentham Science Book has an e-book platform as well, where it offers numerous handbooks, monographs, reference books and textbooks for readers seeking knowledge in multidisciplinary or specific fields such as natural sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.

Some of the publisher’s most popular books are:

Orthodontic Biomechanics: Treatment of Complex Cases Using Clear Aligners
Contemporary Scleral Lenses: Theory and Application
A Blueprint for the Hard Problem of Consciousness
Redefining University Leadership for the 21st Century
Next-Generation Sequencing and Sequence Data Analysis

During the trial access, reading content online is not limited. When using e-books, only up to 5 chapters of a book, from one institution, can be downloaded for the entire trial period.

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